Cupping Therapy
Cupping Therapy in Phoenix
Cupping Therapy can treat muscle pain, neck, shoulder, and lower back pain, congestion in the lungs. It improves the circulation of fresh blood in the area, where you may have inflammation and pain, which helps to expedite the healing process. At Suddenly Slimmer Day and Med Spa (Phoenix, Arizona), we’ve been offering cupping therapy to our clientele since 1988! The therapy itself involves no pain and can be combined with other treatments, such as massage, moxa therapy, and acupuncture to treat whatever ails the body.
Cupping therapy can be used as an adjunctive with acupuncture treatments. An ancient technique used in various cultures has become increasingly more popular in today’s society like celebrities and professional athletes have been outspoken regarding the benefits.
It is a cutaneous bodywork modality that improves the circulation of blood, lymph, and qi and removes metabolic toxins in the skin, fascia, and muscle tissues. Cupping therapy employs the use of suction between a cup and the skin to gently pull the superficial tissues. The vacuum is created by either heat or a hand pump.
Have questions or would like to schedule Cupping Therapy treatment? Call us 602-952-8446!

The process dates back to Egyptian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern cultures and works by applying Chinese suction cups to the skin along the meridians of the body, creating suction as a way of stimulating the flow of energy, blood and creating more oxygen which speeds up healing process. Gymnasts Alex Naddour and Chris Brooks swear by it. Swimmer Michael Phelps also uses it!