
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Arcadia, Biltmore, and surrounding areas of Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona

Get even more benefits from your regular Neurotoxin appointment when you add a same-day VI Peel service for a total skin transformation!

With Neurotoxins being best known for softening fine lines and wrinkles, the Vitality Institute found that the anti-aging benefits of injections can be amplified by adding a VI Peel treatment prior to injection.

You already know the VI Peel treats acne, melasma, aging, hyperpigmentation, and scarring while increasing cell turnover and stimulating collagen production for long-lasting results. Following the VI Peel with a Neurotoxin such as Botox or Dysport injection in one, simple procedure not only helps soften and smooth fine lines and wrinkles but creates a smooth, even skin texture

The result?
In seven days to 2 weeks, the maximum benefits of the injections and the post-peel ToxBooster™ Treatments are realized.

Click here to find an authorized VI Peel practitioner near you and ask for your ToxBooster™ Treatment! Or visit your favorite Neurotoxin provider and tell them you want the total skin package and a VI Peel prior to your injection service.

What Causes Wrinkles?

Three are numerous reasons why creases and fine lines accumulate on the skin over time. There are aging dynamics that play out on the surface as well as subdermally. To address both realms, Suddenly Slimmer Med Spa offers the breakthrough treatment called ToxBooster. Let’s take a closer look at the resplendent effects of this transformative procedure.


Botox and Dsyport is a neuromodulator that targets fine lines at their source.

Every time you make an expression, your muscles contract. Each contraction pulls at the skin, forming creases that deepen with age. Botox and Dsyport is an injectable that disrupts the flow of acetylcholine to the neural junction. When persistent muscular contractions cease, your skin can enjoy smooth serenity, courtesy of Botox or Dsyport.


Now that you have treated the root cause of wrinkles, you are ready to reverse the damage on the surface of the skin itself. The VI Peel coats your complexion with a powerful compound engineered at the Vitality Institute.  Their proprietary formula is designed to eradicate sun spots and textural inconsistencies in the treatment area.

But, unlike beauty itself, a VI Peel is more than skin deep. The stimulating chemical concoction prompts a flourish of collagen production beneath the surface. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. As we mature, however, we produce less and less collagen. This leads to a breakdown of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Think of the ECM like an elaborate network of scaffolding. Without the proper infrastructure, the scaffolding crumbles.

By boosting collagen production in the ECM, Dannielli RN and Dr. Jeffers can empower your skin to maintain itself. A ToxBooster utilizes the rejuvenating allure of a VI Peel and the smoothing properties of Botox or Dysport. Together, they will keep your skin looking vital and vibrant for months to come.

Benefits of ToxBooster

The main benefit of ToxBooster is convenience. By combining Botox or Dysport injections and a VI Peel resurfacing treatment, you are multiplying your enhancements exponentially. The rewards of a neuromodulator are invigorated by the VI Peel, extending your benefits well beyond their normal duration.


  • Refined texture
  • Reduced wrinkles and fine lines
  • Improved skin tone
  • Reduced hyperpigmentation

To experience the benefits of a ToxBooster treatment for yourself, contact Suddenly Slimmer Med Spa in Phoenix at your earliest convenience.

Eligible Candidates

The wonderful feature of ToxBooster is how proven and tested its facets are. If you have ever been treated with Botox or a similar neuromodulator, then you are most likely eligible for Botox/Dysport injections. Similarly, if you have ever been a candidate for chemical peels, the VI Peel should comfortably fall under the same category, medically speaking.

Please inform our doctor or nurse if you have any contraindications for either chemical peels or neuromodulator treatments. We can assess your candidacy for ToxBooster during your comprehensive consultation.

Private Consultation in Phoenix, AZ

Skin is amazingly expressive. It not only conveys the emotions you wish to share with others, but it connotes your health and wellness routine on a cellular level. The licensed professionals at Suddenly Slimmer Med Spa can study your complexion to determine if a ToxBooster is the best approach for your skin restoration regimen. After a brief physical examination, the doctor or nurse will recommend which components of the procedure are appropriate for you.

We love hearing the story your skin tells, and we have a few tales of our own. Please visit our blog to gain insights and information about anti-aging strategies and how they can help your complexion. Feel free to bring any questions that may arise during your consultation. Call 602-952-8446 to schedule your appointment and get ready to say hello to a youthful new you!

Preparation and Procedure

The ToxBooster process is so straightforward, you may be ready for your first treatment immediately following your consultation. If you choose to schedule your first session separately from your initial appointment, our medical associates will provide you with detailed instructions to prepare you for the ToxBooster procedure.

In general, you should quit smoking at least two weeks before receiving any resurfacing enhancement. You may also be advised to stop taking certain anti-inflammatory medications to reduce the risk of bruising at the injection sites.

On the day of your procedure, we will ensure that you feel right at home. A chemical compound will be gently applied to your treatment area. After the appropriate amount of time, a neutralizing agent will cleanse the VI Peel away, taking imperfections along with it.

Next, the doctor or the nurse places your Botox/Dysport injections precisely at the source of your persistent wrinkles. The duration of a ToxBooster session varies from person to person, but it generally takes less than an hour from start to finish.

Easy Recovery

The outer layer of your skin may turn slightly red as the impurities are peeled away. You may also feel a minor itching sensation at the sites of injection where you received your neuromodulator solution.

Our licensed medical professionals will provide you with aftercare directions, including how to keep your complexion clean and comfortable. Please follow these guidelines carefully, as they will be tailored to your case. Remember not to scratch or rub your skin; great results are worth the wait!

Remarkable Results


After the span of 7 days to 2 weeks, both your injectable and your peel will manifest their respective rewards. Age spots will diminish, fine lines will smooth out, and textural unevenness will be a thing of the past.

ToxBooster provides you a 7-day to 2 weeks transformation, amplifying the results of both a neuromodulator treatment and a chemical peel. Together, they produce a healthy glow that reflects your natural attractiveness.

To get a glimpse of your impending satisfaction, please visit our reviews page. Suddenly Slimmer Med Spa is thrilled to provide 5-star service to Phoenix and its surrounding communities.


Cost of ToxBooster in Phoenix

The cost of a ToxBooster treatment must be contrasted to the price of each component of the procedure. When performed separately, neuromodulator injections and chemical peels can tally up hefty fees. ToxBooster, on the other hand, saves you time and money by compiling your enhancements into one convenient package.

Suddenly Slimmer Med Spa loves to run occasional discounts to help patients look and feel their best without straining their wallets.  Just imagine radiant skin and a seamless complexion, all for less than the cost of plastic surgery. Well, there’s no need to imagine it, because your dream is about to become a reality thanks to Suddenly Slimmer Med Spa. Book your ToxBooster session today!



In the hands of an experienced medical professional, the ToxBooster treatment is perfectly safe and incredibly effective. Please be wary of “Botox parties” and other unlicensed gatherings that promise facial improvement without providing the proper credentials. You may wind up with a “frozen face” or some other tragic outcome. Suddenly Slimmer Med Spa’s, Dannielli RN and Dr. Jeffers both bring years of experience and boundless reserves of care to your facial enhancement. They understand the limitations and opportunities of a ToxBooster with VI Peel. Each ingredient has the power to brighten and smooth your complexion magnificently. Call 602-952-8446 to schedule a consultation and learn if ToxBooster is right for you.

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